NDEW Event – What to do.

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The Who, When, Where, What, and Hows of National Drive Electric Week (NDEW) Poolesville Day Event

(This Page was Last Updated: Sept 19, 2024, at 11:30 am ET for the event on Sept 21, 2024.)

We are looking to seeing you on Sept. 21st, 2024!  This page will be constantly updated as new information comes in! – being updated for 2024!

Who is attending: (All need to register at: https://poolesville.green/NDEW or https://driveelectricweek.org/event?eventid=4122 ) and click on going on the Facebook Event: Coming 

  • PARKING – EV/PHEV owners and the General Public Parking: If you are not a selected Display or Parade Vehicle or Volunteer (only about 30-40 will be), you must park in General Parking! All registered drivers of EV/PHEVs should report to the Check-In Tent to get the free t-shirt, swag bag, and drawing tickets. General Parking is also for people interested in learning more about Electric (EV) and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV).
  • Check-In Tent, the “Big Tent”: After you park, come by the Check-In Tent in the Jamison Real Estate Parking lot (intersection of Rt 107 and Rt 109).
  • Display Vehicles: EV/PHEVs. You are what makes our show! Thank you for coming and giving your time.
  • Volunteers: anyone who wants to help: Setup, During the Event, Shutting Down
  • Vendors: Dealerships, Manufactures, and Product Vendors
  • Parade Vehicles: Those Vehicles that will be in the parade (you will be or have been notified by email)
  • CosPlay Walkers: The 501st Oldline, the Mandalorian Mercs, Rebel Alliance Terrapin Base, Other Cosplayers.
  • Interactive Map: An interactive updated map (a great link to use on your phone too).

When: September 21, 2024, from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (with early arrival for setup volunteers, and Parade participants).


  • Arrival Time – You may arrive as early as 7 am and as late as 3:30 pm (show ends at 4 pm). You can stay for a few minutes or all day (there is a lot to do). But no vehicles (Display or Setup) can enter the display areas between 10:15 am and then after the parade at 11:30 am. Elgin Road Ride and Drive area must be clear.  
  • 7:00 – 8:00 am  – Volunteers for set up should show up and check in at the Check-In Tent (Volunteers are always needed). We have Volunteer and Vendor Parking in the field behind the tent (see map).
  • 7:00 – 9:00 am – Set Up: Vendors/Sponsors/Dealerships can set up there 10×10 tents.  Any Dealership Vehicles or Owner Vehicles that will be giving Test Drives or Rides should park in the designated lot right behind Bassets (NO Vehicles should be on Elgin Road after 10 am and must stay off until the parade is finished, about 11:15 am).  Once the parade ends (about 11:15 am, Owners, Dealerships’ and Manufacturers’ cars can move onto Elgin Rd, where Test Drives/Rides will start and end on. Vehicle Owners giving test drives can do so from the designated parking lot.
  • 7:00 am – 4:00 pm – Volunteers: Helpers should show up and check in. 
  • 8:00 – 8:15 am  – Parade Vehicles: You should be or have been notified that you have been selected to be in the Parade. Follow the instructions you get from the EV Parade Leader. In general, the Parade Vehicles will line up on Elgin Rd. Parade Walkers (participating in the parade) should start walking (or better, see if you can get a ride /w a parade car) to Cattail Rd. to line up for the parade
  • Before or at 8:45 am – Parade Vehicles will follow the parade leader to Cattail Rd to line up for the parade!
  • 10:00 am – 11:30 am Elgin Rd must be kept clear of our vehicles! No one can use that road until the Parade vehicles have cleared it (at about 11:30 am)! 
  • 10:00 am – 4:00 pmEvent Officially Starts. Vendors are expected to be there for the entire event. Participants may stay for the whole event, but you can arrive and depart as desired.
  • All Day after Parade:

    • Ride and Drives
      • From Lucid
      • Toyota (Fitz Auto Mall)
      • The Ford F-150 Lightning 
      • Tesla Models and others by local owners 
    • Interact with owners of many EV Makes & Models in the main display area hosted be EVA/DC
    • Visit with EV Show Sponsors
    • Participate in these for free drawing tickets:
      • Take a Ride in an EV
      • Fill out a Survey
  • 11:30 am – Opening Proclamation ceremony & Wells Fargo Car Presentation to Veteran at Fisher Ave & Elgin Rd Intersection!
  • 12:00 noon – Big Tent Talk #1 (Under the big white Check-in Tent)
  • 1:00 pmBig Tent Talk #2: (Under the big white Check-in Tent after Drawing)
  • 2:00 pmBig Tent Talk #3: (Under the big white Check-in Tent)
  • 3:00 pmFree Public Gifts Drawing (Public must do a Ride or Drive to qualify)
  • 3:30 pmDriver Only Free Gifts Drawing
  • 4:00 pm – Close up and shut down.
  • 5:00 pm – After Event Dinner for Volunteers and Staff at the Checkin Tent



  • Everyone must check in at the “Check-In” Tent when they arrive, even if you have pre-registered (If you have not, please do: https://poolesville.green/NDEW. We will ask for your email (for next year’s event) and you will get a “Swag Bag”, an event T-Shirt (while supplies last), and free raffle tickets. If you have not claimed your shirt by 3 pm (or if we run out before that), we may no longer have it or at least one in your requested size.

General Visiting Public:

  • Welcome, all! You are what this event is all about.
  • Please register for the latest updates (https://poolesville.green/NDEW).
  • Please ask questions! We all love to share the pros and cons of EV driving.
  • Take Test Drives! Many are offering Test Rides and Drives, ask at the check-in tent (qualifies for free drawings).
  • General Parking is available at several locations around the area (to be announced soon) with a free shuttle to the event in an all-new, all-electric, Montgomery County Commuter Bus. The best parking is at the Sarah E. Auer Western County Outdoor Pool parking lot and at the Our Lady of the Presentation church lot. These lots are serviced by a Montgomery County All-Electric commuter bus thought out the event.  
  • Parking at the Poolesville High School may not be available due to construction. (NOTE: if this changes we will post it).


  • If you are Setting up Tents? You must be a Silver Sponsor or higher, you can set up 10×10 popup tents and tables (not supplied by us). Gold Level or higher Sponsors can request chairs and a table if needed (please let us know as soon as possible).  Please check in at the large Check-In Tent when you arrive as to where you can set up. Location preference is given by level of sponsorship and by past involvement. If you are providing anything for our swag bag (small items or vendor information), you must provide at least enough for 200 swag bags. These bags are given to each of the first 200 registered EV owners in attendance. These items must be provided to us a week before the event. We appreciate any donations items to be giving away for free raffle drawings.  Please contact JD Taylor an email for instructions.
  • We will have a general Vendor Zoom meeting for last moment instructions a week before the event date. You can setup a personal zoom meeting prior to that at request (a must for larger vendor setups). Please JD Taylor for instructions for more information.
  • VIP Parking: You may park in the field behind the large Check-In Tent, or in any public parking area (see General Parking).
  • . Please contact JD Taylor for instructions if you need more information. 

Parade Vehicles:

  • Selected Vehicles will get an email (you must be registered at https://Poolesville.Green/NDEW and contacted by our staff that you were selected) a week to a few weeks prior to the event, asking if you would like to be in the parade. If you register and comment that you want to be in the parade, that betters your chance at being selected. Selections are VERY limited.
  • Selected vehicles need to arrive at about 8 am, lining up on Elgin Road, next to Bassett’s Restaurant (see map). They will leave promptly at 8:15 am (don’t be late) to Cattail Road for the Parade Prep.
  • The actual parade starts at 10 am at Cattail and runs down the center of town on Fisher. It ends shortly after 11 am at Fisher (Rt 107) and Elgin (Rt 109). Parade cars will be directed where to go.
  •  During the parade, parade vehicles should turn on their lights and turn off their A/C (to be really silent). Drive Slow (but keep gaps closed), NO bursts of speed! Stay safe, and watch out for people, and kids running out.  
  • If you were selected, but find you cannot make it, please let us know so we can select another vehicle


  • We need your help! We have special parking for you, in the field behind the check-in tent!
  • If we have not pre-coordinated an activity with you, please sign up for specific time slots at the signup links below (one is for teens tracking SSL hours, and the other is for adults). You can sign up for as many time slots as you wish.
    • For Adults (You can use this signup whether or not you own or are displaying an EV)
      Https://Poolesville.Green/NDEW  and click on “Volunteer”. 
    • For Teens (includes SSL hours tracking):
      coming soon
  • You can also Volunteer through the National Drive Electric Week portal  –https://Poolesville.Green/NDEW (but if you are also registered as a driver, try to use a different email (it may remove your other registration).
  • What might you be asked to do?
    • Friday: Some of us will be moving items to the event area and maybe setting up some signs – you are welcome to help
    • Event Saturday: We will be getting there (to the big white tent in the Jamison Real Estate Parking lot (intersection of Rt 107 and Rt 109) as early 7am to start setup. When you get there check in at the big white tent. Andy Neal is in charge of the Volunteers, please check in with him. We will be providing coffee and breakfast snacks.
    • Parking: We have reserved parking for Volunteers, Vendors, Sponsors, and VIPs in the field behind the big white check-in tent (enter on Elgin Rd, Local’s Restaurant Entrance)
    • 7 am – 9 am Setup: putting out signs, directing parking of display and parade vehicles, setting up tables, chairs, and speaking areas.
    • 8 am – 11 am Parade: Walk with the Parade Vehicles – holding signs, passing out “Golden Tickets”
    • 9 am – 3:30 pm Check-in:
      o Check-In Desk: Checking in, signing up, EV Owners. Getting free drawing tickets
      o Display Area: Help with Display Vehicles, answering questions about EV/PHEVs
      o Advertising: Walking the Poolesville Day area, passing out “Golden Tickets”, telling people about our event, encouraging them to do Ride and Drives and to visit the Nissan Corner
    • 4 pm – 5 pm: Take Down and Pack Up: Take down signs, flags, pack up equipment, and general clean up.
    • 5 pm – Volunteer Dinner: We will be providing dinner for those who are still there. It will be under the big tent (we hope to include a small free volunteer drawing).

Cosplayer and other Walkers:

  • We want to welcome all the Cosplayers! We will provide VIP Parking close to your gear/changing room tent, which is right at the event. Water will be provided and there are many food sources at the event. You will be treated as “Volunteers” and get their benefits (like put in for the public drawings for free stuff). Please contact your Garrison for more and Spread the Word!
  • You may arrive as you like, but if you want to be in the parade, you must be ready by 9:00 am so you have time to get to Cattail Rd by 9:30 am.  Space will be available as early as 7:30 am to use as a changing room.  There will be coffee there and other drinks (donuts if I can get them).  Food will be available at the food trucks and nearby restaurants. Space for gear will be made available.  
  • Parking: You may park (free) in the lot behind the main check in tent. Please confirm where you parked when you check in at the main tent.
  • Thank you again for coming and have a great time. There are a lot of family fun activities, so bring your friends and family.

About our CosPlayer Guest:

Please thank our cosplay friends (the Star Wars local 501st and Rebel units and others). They are here supporting our host non-profit Poolesville.Green. Like you, they are all volunteers and are here on their own time. They love to pose in photos for you but giving them credit and donations are nice too (they are non-profit too and support good causes).  I’ll list their web pages below. You may bring your own food and non-alcoholic drinks (there are several local bars in town if you like). No real firearms please (except for local law enforcement or feds).

Walkers (cosplayers) Web addresses:

Free Drawings:

There will be three drawings. two open to the general public (and you all) at 1:45 pm and 3:00 pm and one for registered drivers only at 3:30 pm. You will not need to be present to win any of the major prizes (, but if you win and you are not there, you may need to come by Poolesville at an arranged date and time to pick it up or pay for shipping (or you can donate your prize back to Poolesville Green).

  • 3:00 pm (just after) Public Drawing (includes drivers). Will include EGO All-Electric Lawn Mower and Lumin Smart Panel (Lumin will be on site to answer questions, check them out)!!!!
  • 3:30 pm Registered Driver Drawing. This is for all registered drivers (must be registered as bringing a vehicle). 
  • Drawings Details see: Details coming

Charging: Charging is not available during the show. There are two Level II chargers in town that will be available before 7 am and after 5 pm. A few locals have Level II chargers and/or Tesla wall charges at their houses and may share them if you ask. Contact me ()


Everyone, please remember to share your knowledge and joy of being an EV owner (or dealership/manufacturer). Be friendly and honest with the public, and avoid arguments. There are many out there who believe that a diesel pickup truck is the only way to go, and that is fine. Don’t argue. We share the space and want them to be well-represented.

Display EV/PHEV Vehicle Parking:  We do have a limited area for Volunteer and Vendor parking. Our main goal is to show off EVs to the general public and I think this will help us do that.

General Parking: We do have a limited area for Volunteer and Vendor parking, but all others will have to find parking in public lots. We recommend using the Catholic Church Lot (at 17230 Tom Fox Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837) or the Public Pool Lot (20151 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837). From these spots, you can take an All-Electric Commuter Bus! There is parking close to the NDEW event or a shuttle will be provided (shown at the bottom left of the maps). Park there and walk up Elgin Road. Other parking can be found around the Poolesville area. See https://poolesville.green/public-parking/ 

Vendor or Sponsor (and Media/VIP) Parking: Vendors and Sponsors are allowed into the show area before 10 am to unload, but must move all non-EVs out after 10 am. We have special close to the event parking available, please contact me at .

Interactive Map: We have created an interactive map to show you the latest information (NOTE: It is always being updated):

Public Parking Only: https://bit.ly/parktoday

Poolesville Day Interactive Map: https://viewer.mapme.com/poolesville-day-map 


The map above shows the Town of Poolesville (click on it for an enlarged view) and how to get to our event around the closed roads. The National Drive Electric Week Poolesville Day Event is on the far left. The green lines depict a way to enter the event and bypass the closed roads (roadblocks in Red).

Directions from Virginia: If you come from the Leesburg area, you can drive up Rt 15, BUT the Ferry is CLOSED for the unforeseen future (get updates at https://www.facebook.com/pg/WhitesFerry/posts/)  Warning: Watch for the Speed Camera before reaching Poolesville! Turn right on W Willard Road (see map above).  Since the Ferry is closed: This adds about 35 minutes and 25 miles – continue on 15 across the bridge to Maryland. Turn right onto Rt 28 follow that, ends on Rt 85 (Rt 28), turn right onto Rt 28, and follow directions from Frederick (below).

Directions from Northern Virginia
: You can take Rt 495 to Rt 270 to the Rt 28 exit, Drive north on Rt 28, and take the fork left onto Rt 107 (Whites Ferry). Follow that to the roadblock (Warning: Watch for the Speed Camera just before Poolesville). Turn left on Wootton Ave and right on Elgin Rd or continue to W Willard Rd and turn right, then right into the field.

Directions from Frederick: Drive down Rt 85 (turns into Rt 28), Warning: Watch for the Speed Camera, they come up fast, turn right on Rt 109, and cross Rt 107 (Fisher Ave) to Elgin Rd.

Directions from Gaithersburg, Rockville, Washington DC, and points east and south: Drive north on Rt 28, and take the fork left onto Rt 107 (Whites Ferry). Follow that to the roadblock (Warning: Watch for the Speed Camera just before Poolesville). Turn left on Wootton Ave and right on Elgin Rd or continue to W Willard Rd and turn right, then right into the field.

Giving Ride and Drives: Some of you may want to provide rides to the public or allow the public to drive your cars. We think this is an excellent way for the public to understand why we are all so excited about electric vehicles. We will have special parking for you on the lot between the tent areas. Dealerships and Manufacturers can move and park their cars on Elgin Rd, once the parade ends around 11:15 am (but not until then!). Please note: giving rides or drives is totally up to you, we do not provide insurance. It is your responsibility to ensure that all drivers are licensed and are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The easiest route is “around the block”. Drive down Elgin, right on Wooton, right on W Willard, right on Fisher, right back on to Elgin.

Check-In: Everyone must check in at the “Check-In” Tent when they arrive, even if you have pre-registered (If you have not, please do: https://poolesville.green/NDEW. We will ask for your email (for next year’s event) and you will get a “Swag Bag”, an event T-shirt, and raffle tickets. If you have not claimed your shirt by 3 pm, we may no longer have it or at least one in your requested size.

Vendors, VIP Visitors, Media, Manufacturers, and Dealerships:

Non-EV Parking: We have a limited number of easy-access parking spots for non-electric vehicles. Please contact me on how many spots you will need and for what time periods. Trucks and additional Non-EV parking will be available at the High School (at the end of Elgin Rd, across Wootton Ave).
Setup: You can set up as early as Friday evening, but there will be no overnight security. Staff will be on-site by 7:30 am and able to direct where to go. The first cars are expected by 9:30 am and the event begins at 10 am.
Access: You can unload cars and trucks on the site up to 9:45 am. No non-EV access will be granted after 10 am.
Breakdown: The event officially ends at 4 pm. Staff will be on hand and will let you know if breaking down can be done earlier.

What Should I Bring?: Bring yourself, bring your friends. If you bring pets, they must be well-behaved with people and other pets, must be on leashes and you have to clean up after them. Bring rain gear, boots, a change of clothes maybe, and shoes. You can bring chairs, coolers, and snacks if you like. Dare I say, Sunblock!  Do NOT bring alcohol (although there are 3 bars in town and a nearby outside bar tent, you cannot take drinks outside those areas). You will NOT be able to do any test drives if you have been drinking any alcohol prior to this day.  Do not bring firearms or lethal weapons of any kind (in other words use common sense).

Need Charging?: There are 4 Level II chargers and 2 DC Fast Chargers in town, but because of road closures during the event, they are only available before 7 am and after 5 pm. They are located at Poolesville Whalen Commons, 19701 Fisher Ave, Poolesville, MD 20837.  If you are in urgent need, contact the organizers, there are homeowners nearby with wall chargers.  

Other Activities: Poolesville Day! The National Drive Electric Week (NDEW) is only part of this extravaganza. Route 107 (Fisher Ave is closed to traffic for more than a 1/2 mile south of our event and is filled with 10-15,000 people enjoying all kinds of activities. We partner with the town and work as part of the Poolesville Day Committee. So, take a break from the NDEW activities and enjoy what’s around you. At the far end is the Classic Car Show and right next store, Bassett’s is doing a lot to help us continue to have fun well into the night. So have fun, be responsible :). You have the best parking spot for the biggest event of the year.

Photos and Videos: If you have a Google account, I will set up soon a shared site to upload photos and videos. These may be used in social or print media to promote our event today and in the future. I will try to give the credit/byline when possible and practical.  You can see past years at:

Big Tent Talks – EV Education Seminars:

1) 12:00 pm   EV Road Trips: Facts vs Myth

2) 1:00 pm    But What About the Batteries?

3) 2:00 pm   Electric Vehicle Shopping? Questions to Ask

EV Owners Static Display Education Area:  

A designated area in the Anytime Fitness parking lot (see pic) holding 15-25 non-Tesla vehicles to showcase privately owned EVs to the public.

More Links for more Information:

Current Updates: https://Poolesville.Green/category/drive-electric/  
Web Event Page: https://poolesville.green/event/national-drive-electric-poolesville-day-event-2022/

Event Site: https://Poolesville.Green/NDEW
What to Do: https://poolesville.green/what-to-do/
Donations: https://Poolesville.Green/Support-Us
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PoolesvilleGreen