We need your support. We especially need small donations to help fund our website and community outreach efforts. We also need volunteers who are passionate about helping to make Poolesville a great place to live.
Thank you! We couldn’t exist without your help.
Here is the best way you can help. Become a Friend of Poolesville Green. ($20 adults, $5 students). We will use your donation to help build up the quality of our website and our outreach and educational materials. We have no overhead and are all volunteers. Your entire donation will support environmental activities in Upper Montgomery County.
By becoming a Poolesville Green member at any level, you will help support our varied green initiatives and educational purpose. Your donation provides a full year of special access and other great benefits.
- Member of Advisory Group on strategic direction of Poolesville Green*
- Premium recognition including offering greetings at major Poolesville Green events
- Premium logo recognition on website and link to your business or personal website
- Logo displayed at select events
- Premium exposure on marketing material
- Targeted exposure on specific projects and at specific events
- Priority registration and free participation in workshops and events
- Poolesville Green polo and golf hat
Gold — $1,000 – $2,499
- Member of Advisory Group on strategic direction of Poolesville Green*
- Logo recognition on website and link to your business or personal website
- Logo displayed at select events
- Priority registration and free participation in workshops and events
- Poolesville Green polo and golf hat
Silver — $500 – $999
- Logo recognition on website and link to your business or personal website
- Logo displayed at select events
- Priority registration and free participation in workshops and events
- Poolesville Green polo
Bronze — $250 – $499
- Logo recognition on website and link to your business or personal website
- Free participation in workshops and events
- Poolesville Green golf hat
Corporate Sponsorship* — $250 or more (for as little as $250 per Event or more to achieve levels above)
- In most cases, donations can also be made as items of equal value that will be given away at event (example Bosch donated a Level II wall charger valued over $500, giving them a Seneca Silver Level)
- Logo recognition on website and link to the business website with use of Poolesville Green logo on your corporate website (subject to approval by the Board)
- Free participation in workshop or event
- Discount on Poolesville Green showcasing events where you may want to host a table
- Funds used to enhance event
Friends of Poolesville Green — $20 adults or $5 students
- A car magnet to show your support of Poolesville Green
- Receiving updates on our organization’s activities
Interested in a larger donation? Perhaps you’d like to help kick-start our Energy Innovators Program, or you have other ideas for programs you’d like to support. Come talk to us. Contact JD Taylor at or 240.812.9881, and let’s talk about our other giving levels:
As a non-profit organization, we are always looking for:
- people to offer their time to help us with our projects
- new ideas for projects we can carry out in the community
- opportunities to connect with local business, such as HVAC specialists, roofers, landscapers, energy auditors, or home renovation contractors
- financial supporters
Your donations are tax-deductible and will be used to support our website and the development of our projects.
* All sponsorships and Advisory Board appointments subject to Board of Directors approval