Update: Solar Array in Poolesville…There was a good turnout at the commissioners meeting Monday night and the presentation by Standard Solar was very good. Outcome: the commissioners took an interim vote to continue moving forward investigating the project. There is no clear indication when the final vote will come and a contract approved. Apparently, there are some issues that need to be worked out. Don’t ask; don’t know what they are. The Commissioners are doing their due diligence (good). I strongly urge that town residents keep tuned in and make their thoughts known on the matter by calling, emailing or talking to them – how ’bout at Poolesville Day! Look for information on the Solar Array at the Poolesville GreenBooth on Poolesville Day.
Month: September 2012
TOWN SOLAR ARRAY COMING TO POOLESVILLE?.. Maybe/Maybe Not..Get Informed….Plan to Attend the next Commissioners’ Meeting, on this coming Monday night September 10th at 7:30pm. There will be a presentation & answers session regarding the Solar Array by Standard Solar, a local company and nationwide supplier of solar. Citizens will have an opportunity to make statements, ask questions or just listen to get informed. NOW is the time to speak up, however. The solar array project is NOT a DONE DEAL. After the meeting, the Commissioners will hold a work session to discuss next steps with this project, which could be to move forward or drop it outright. Commissioners need to hear from YOU. Unable to attend? Send your comments to the commissioners at today! http://www.ci.poolesville.md.us/commagenda.htm