It was a successful National Drive Electric Week – Poolesville event last Saturday (Sept 19, 2015). We were the #1 National Drive Electric Week event in the Washington DC area (by unofficial count of registered Electric Vehicles). We are already working to make 2016 even bigger.

This was our 2nd Annual National Drive Electric Week event in the Town of Poolesville. We had 42 vehicles, (15 models) registered, plus a few more showed up that were not registered. By our unofficial count, this makes us the largest NDEW event in the DC area, 5th on the east coast, and better than 17th out of the 195 (2 events cancelled) worldwide. We combined our event with Poolesville Day, a great family fun community event that draws people from the surrounding Maryland/DC/Virginia area. Between the two events, we had more than 10,000 people (still waiting on official counts). The NDEW event ran between 11:30 am – 4:00. Poolesville Day started off with a parade at 10 am which included 7 NDEW electric vehicles..

See our event post: (and sign up for the 2016’s event!).
We provided test drives and rides on a closed road course. Many took advantage of this opportunity and we give free prizes (via random drawings) to those who did.
Get even more information on this event and more (and sign up for the 2016’s event!).:
- Our 2016 NDEW Event Page:
- Poolesville Green Facebook: (please like and follow)
- Drive Electric Posts at Poolesville Green
- Poolesville Green:
- Poolesville Day:
- National Drive Electric Week:- Poolesville page:
- Our Twitter:
- JD Taylor’s Twitter Accounts: (@Jeff_D_Taylor)
More photos from the event (Photo Credit: Poolesville Green and are free for reuse/publication):
Check out these and even more photos at: