Living Green
Announcing our new Poolesville Green Living Networking series.
Bassett's Restaurant 19950 Fisher Ave., Poolesville, MDThis is about neighbor to neighbor sharing ideas about what works and doesn't in living a sustainable lifestyle. Meet & talk with others interested in or having made the move to things like solar, electric cars, geothermal, home energy efficiency upgrades, conservation landscaping, backyard habitats and more. Each month there will be a primary topic […]
Poolesville Green Living Network – Residential GeoThermal Systems
Joyce Breiner's Hackett Ct, Poolesville, MD, United StatesFree and open to all. Learn how GeoThermal works to heat and cool your home using the earth's temperature. Talk to area residents who have this type of system. This is the February event of the new Poolesville Green Living Network - a monthly networking opportunity for upcounty residents. Check it out and bring your […]
Community Solar: Benefit from Solar without Installing Panels
Poolesville Town Hall 19721 Beall Street, Poolesville, MDThanks to a new community solar law in Maryland, everybody can go solar! Community solar allows you to sign up for solar power for your home, business or organization without installing any equipment on your roof. It’s clean energy from a local project in your neighborhood. Join Poolesville Green and Neighborhood Sun to learn how […]
Green Living Network: Montgomery County Solar Co-Op
Poolesville Town Hall 19721 Beall Street, Poolesville, MDNew laws and rules in Montgomery County. Solar Co-Ops - Learn how to use collective buying power for your rooftop solar. Free and open to all. Montgomery County Solar Co-Op Info Session What's is the Montgomery County Solar Co-Op and how does this work to get county homeowners a group rate pricing deal. All the answers […]
Go Electric!
Go Electric on March 19th! 10am-4pm, Montgomery College, North Campus Drive, Rockville—-Outdoors! Curious about electric leaf blowers and mowers? Interested in an electric car or solar panels for your property? Come to our Go Electric event and learn more! Recycle gas yard equipment and small appliances for free Learn about special March discounts and […]