National Drive Electric Poolesville Day 2021 COVID Mitigation Plan

● All event activities must be outdoors, except for essential functions such as
restroom use.
● All staff are required to wear face masks whenever they are within six feet of
another person.
● All attendees are required to wear face masks whenever they are within six feet
of another person.
● We will display signs to discourage physical contact among staff and attendees.
● Require that staff and attendees stay at least six feet apart when not wearing a
mask. Signs will be displayed with this instruction.
● No-touch trash cans and recycling bins will be available.
● No food will be available or served.
● There will be routine cleaning of frequently touched surfaces including tables,
door handles, steering wheels, pens, tablet screens, etc. with disinfectant spray
or disinfectant wipes.
● All test drive vehicles will be wiped down after every drive (front seats,
steering wheel, touch panels and buttons, and inside and outside door handles)
with Chlorox wipes/spray or alcohol based wipes. An alcohol-based hand
sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol that will be given to every driver
prior to and after each test drive.
● Only a dealer salesperson, or the private owner (one only), and and people who
live in one household should be in a test drive vehicle at the same time.
● All persons on the test drive must wear masks (that cover the nose and mouth)
for the entirety of the test drive.
● On test drives, all windows should be completely down during the drive to
ensure good air flow.
● Practice hand hygiene frequently and provide adequate supplies for both staff
and attendees. An alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60%
alcohol will be available for staff and attendees.
● There will be no official bathrooms available for NDEW Poolesville. However,
bathrooms (Porta Johns) will be available (as part of Poolesville Day) and
supplied adequately with sanitizer.
● We will provide an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol for
use before or after interacting with event booth activities and vehicles.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be placed in visible, frequently used
locations such as registration and information tables.
● Any attendee or volunteer who does not comply with the above rules, they will
not be allowed to continue participation in any NDEW Poolesville events and
will be asked to leave the event area.
● NDEW Poolesville has named a COVID Mitigation supervisor whose
responsibility will be to make sure the above plan is put in place and all
attendees and volunteers are complying with the plan. Our COVID Mitigation
Supervisor will be Dr.Amar Duggirala, one of our city captains.